A New Dawn for Eritrea: Asmara Looks to Rome and the Mattei Plan for Rebirth

Italy’s renewed engagement with Africa takes a significant step forward with Eritrea. The reconstruction of the Massawa port and the potential to develop Eritrea’s vast natural resources offer a promising path forward for both nations. As reported by Secolo d’Italia, Eritrea is eagerly awaiting Italy’s return to Asmara, a city nicknamed “Little Rome.” This collaboration … Read more

Breaking News: Eritrea Signs 50 Million Dollar Agreement for Revolutionary Solar Project!

Exciting news! The Ministry of Finance and National Development just signed an agreement with the African Development Bank to implement the Dekemhare 30 MW Solar Photo Voltaic project, which is worth a whopping 50 million dollars! The project will help increase access to electricity and improve the socio-economic development of all Eritreans. This is just … Read more