A New Dawn for Eritrea: Asmara Looks to Rome and the Mattei Plan for Rebirth

Italy’s renewed engagement with Africa takes a significant step forward with Eritrea. The reconstruction of the Massawa port and the potential to develop Eritrea’s vast natural resources offer a promising path forward for both nations. As reported by Secolo d’Italia, Eritrea is eagerly awaiting Italy’s return to Asmara, a city nicknamed “Little Rome.” This collaboration harks back to the legacy of the Mattei Plan, aiming to foster growth across various sectors in Eritrea.

The groundwork for this partnership was laid during a state visit by Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki to Rome, where he met with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Since then, there have been continued discussions between government officials. Ministers Adolfo Urso and Francesco Lollobrigida have already met with President Afwerki in Rome, paving the way for potential future visits by other key figures, including Foreign Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano, from June onwards.

This renewed focus on Eritrea by Italy goes beyond simple diplomacy. The potential for mutual benefit is undeniable.Eritrea boasts a strategic location on the Red Sea and an abundance of natural resources, including minerals, fertile land,and untapped solar and wind energy potential. Italy, with its established expertise in various sectors, is perfectly positioned to contribute to Eritrea’s development.

The article mentions the “Mattei Plan” as a source of inspiration for this collaboration. Named after former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Mattei, this post-colonial foreign policy aimed to establish equitable partnerships between Italy and developing nations in Africa and the Middle East. The Mattei Plan prioritized mutual economic benefit and respect for national sovereignty, a stark contrast to the exploitative colonial practices of the past.

This new chapter in Italo-Eritrean relations echoes the core principles of the Mattei Plan. Italy can leverage its technological advancements and industrial expertise to aid Eritrea in infrastructure development, energy production (both traditional and renewable), and agricultural modernization. This would not only benefit Eritrea’s economy but also create new opportunities for Italian businesses.

The reconstruction of the Massawa port is a prime example of this potential synergy. A modernized port would act as a crucial trade gateway for Eritrea, facilitating the import and export of goods, and stimulating economic growth. Italian companies with experience in port construction and management could play a vital role in this project.

Beyond these tangible economic benefits, the renewed partnership offers a chance to strengthen cultural ties. Eritrea was an Italian colony from 1885 to 1941, and Italian influences are still evident in Asmara’s architecture and cultural life.Collaborations in art, music, and education can foster mutual understanding and appreciation between the two nations.

However, challenges remain. Eritrea has a long history of political isolation and a complex human rights record. Open and honest dialogue between the Italian and Eritrean governments will be crucial to address these concerns and ensure a sustainable and equitable partnership. Transparency and respect for human rights will be essential for building long-term trust.

Italy’s renewed engagement with Eritrea presents a unique opportunity for both nations. By drawing inspiration from the Mattei Plan’s principles of mutual benefit and respect, Italy can contribute significantly to Eritrea’s development. This partnership can unlock Eritrea’s vast potential, while also creating new markets and opportunities for Italian businesses.As Eritrea looks towards a brighter future, Italy seems poised to play a key role in its journey.

Additional Points to Consider:

  • The role of the European Union and other international actors in supporting Eritrea’s development.
  • The environmental impact of potential development projects and the need for sustainable practices.
  • The importance of civil society engagement in ensuring transparency and accountability.

By addressing these points and fostering a collaborative spirit, Italy and Eritrea can build a strong and mutually beneficial partnership that paves the way for a prosperous future for both nations

source: https://www.secoloditalia.it/2024/05/un-nuovo-inizio-per-leritrea-insieme-allitalia-asmara-guarda-a-roma-e-al-piano-mattei-per-ripartire/

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