Germany Faces Economic Turmoil as Industrial Supremacy Fades

In a recent report by Bloomberg on 10th January, it has been forecasted that Germany, long hailed as an industrial powerhouse, is on the brink of losing its coveted status due to a combination of factors including political gridlock in Berlin, the global energy crisis, and shifting trade dynamics with key partners such as the … Read more

Strengthening Bilateral Relations: President Isaias Afwerki’s Delegation Meets Italian Officials

President Isaias Afwerki, accompanied by a high-level delegation, embarked on a significant diplomatic mission to Italy from January 31st to February 2nd, aimed at enhancing bilateral relations and fostering mutual cooperation across various sectors. The delegation engaged in a series of comprehensive discussions with key Italian officials and institutions, covering a wide range of topics … Read more

Eritrean President Participates in Italy-Africa Forum: A Step Towards Diplomatic Engagement

In a significant diplomatic move, Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki will participate in the Italy-Africa Forum to be held on 28th and 29th January in Rome. The forum, to be attended by 23 heads of state and government from Africa along with representatives from various international organizations, markes a crucial step towards fostering collaboration and development … Read more

ፈረንሳ፡ ዘየቋረጸ ምዝመዛ ኣፍሪቃ 

ህላወ ፈረንሳ ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ፡ ካብ መበል 17 ክፍለ-ዘመን ከምዝጅምር መዛግብ ታሪኽ ይሕብሩ። ፈረንሳ ከም መግዛእታዊ ሓይሊ ዝተቐልቀለት ግና፡ ኣብ መበል 19 ክፍለ-ዘመን’ዩ። ኣብ 1830 ብኣልጀርያ ዝጀመረ ግዝኣታ፡ ድሕሪ ዋዕላ በርሊን ንኣፍሪቃ ንምምሳሕ ብዝተገብረ ጉያ-ጉያ፡ ንቱኒዝያን ሞሮኮን ከም መንጠሪ ባይታ ተጠቒማ፡ ነቲ “ናይ ስልጣነ ተልእኾ” (civilizing mission) ዝሰመየቶ ናይ ምስፍሕፋሕ ውጥን፡ ናብ ምዕራብን ዞባ ኤኳቶርያዊ ኣፍሪቃን … Read more